I am a Master’s student at University of Cincinnati majoring in Artificial Intelligence, specializing in Deep Learning architectures for Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning and Complex Intelligent Systems. Previously, I was a full-stack engineer at an AI based startup called Aviso, where I took the ownership of an internal web-app that manages the cloud infrastructure. During my undergrad, I worked as a part-time Software Developer at the college’s administrative department where I developed software applications for digitalization and automation of the administrative operations.
In my spare time, I work on my own independent projects. I developed a number of applications for the web and mobile over the years because I enjoy coding and designing. Lately, I’ve developed a deep interest in Artificial Intelligence and Space. Now, I associate my goals strongly with pioneering the advancements in Artificial General Intelligence for further space exploration and more.
Courses taken: Intelligent Systems, ML, AI, Deep Learning, Complex Systems, Computer Vision, StartupUC
Worked on a wide variety of tasks revolving around the cloud infrastructure of the Aviso AI product.
Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology
Developed apps for the college’s operations like Student Feedback and Gate-Pass System
NeuralHack is an India-wide hackathon with approximately 13,000 participants conducted by Virtusa. The tasks to be completed in 24 hours were:
RevolutionUC is a hackathon conducted by ACM at University of Cincinnati with roughly 400 participants.
I built an Augmented Reality game called Alster in 24 hours and won top 5.
[In progress] Machine Learning Gallery is a master project of few of my experiments with Neural Networks. It is designed in a way to help a beginner understand the concepts with visualizations. You can train and run the networks live and see the results for yourself. Every project here is followed by an explanation on how it works.
A web application that colorizes grayscale images using a Convolutional Neural Network. This was my major project in my undergrad.
A comprehensive web application for universities to conduct faculty (and other) rating feedback sessions based on various teaching aspects. It collects the feedback data from students and generates beautiful analytical reports on faculty. This project is used by KMIT with thousands of students to assess their faculty members.
An android app that provides Engineering syllabus. Aimed for students to manage and keep track of their studies. This became quite popular at my college.
Includes a web-client and admin control for syllabus management.
2800 downloads on Google Play Store
An educational service for medical students (Plab). Provides practice quizzes for medical students in the form of a beautiful mobile app. Students can visualize their learning progress.
At Aviso, I developed many features of OpCenter which is the primary website to control the AWS cloud infrastructure.
A fun AR wrestling game. The game finds a surface on the table and drops the players (balls) on top of it. Your goal is to control the red ball and push the AI-controlled ball out of the table. Whomever falls off the table more number of times in 1 minute loses.
Developed in 24 hours at RevolutionUC hackathon and won top 5.
In my undergrad, I was a monthly writer at the college e-magazine called kMITRA. One of the articles I wrote is an interesting short story on AI called “PrecArIous Love”.
I am an atheist. For me, atheism is not just denying God’s existence. That is easy. But I think atheism is an emergent phenomenon of rational thought. I encourage people to think scientifically and make logical decisions rather than following a herd.
I love animals. I became a vegetarian when I was 10 after witnessing an animal slaughter for that night’s dinner. I believe no human has moral rights to kill another conscious living thing unless it is life-threatening. Recently I stopped consuming all animal related products because it involves animal abuse to an unknown non-zero degree.
I am very good at sketching. But I don’t find enough time and motivation to do it often. I’ll soon post a gallery of my sketches.